Monday, 15 November 2010

Apparently, Ethel's Staying Around.

Okay, short post seeing as how I am desperately trying to reach 100,000 by the end of tonight. will it happen? I don't know, but I'm looking at a marathon sleeping session during the Xmas holidays.

Quick update on this week, I went out Friday night without really wanting or needing to, and now I'm behind. Okay, okay, only by about 4,000 words, which I can make up in a couple of hours on a really good day, but it also means I won't have much time at all to make up for it if I slow down at any other point during this month.

Also, Ethel. This lovely old lady has decided to muscle her way into my story, and is now staying around, it seems. I don't know where she came from, apparently she lives a couple of floors below Bryson in his apartment building, and likes to engage him in conversation. My guess is that she's just lonely, but I'd hate to see her hurt because of Bryson does.

Which is, more than likely, what will happen.

At 94k out of a possible 100k.

Love and toast. x

Monday, 8 November 2010

NaNo Starts, Blogging Stops.

And I completely expected it to happen. There, I said it. I'm going to be brutally honest right now and clarify the fact that, while I am posting this, I could be writing another 500 words or so to my NaNovel. However, I am a serial procrastinator, so I am actually finding the time to blog, one week into NaNo. Useful, actually. I might just start doing this, and document each week's progress in one, tl;dr blog post. So, week one of NaNoWriMo 2010:

- Week one got off to a roaring start with my predicted word count being reached, if only because I stayed un until midnight to write, and somehow gotto 10,770 by midnight. How I did that is beyond me, but I was trying to get to 11k. That last 230 just escaped me.

- I realised that my word processor was set to U.S spellings instead on U.K, but have kept it that way, seeing as my novel is set in an American Speaking country (not sure whether it is the U.S yet, or just the novel world's equivalent of America. I'll get back to you on that one.), even if it does make it a little more awkward to write. xD

- I also realised how boring my plot is at the beginning. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to spend so much time setting up the location and characters, but that said, I think I can work with it. Why not - after all, juxtaposing Bryson's mundane, day-to-day life with the action taking place in the last two-thirds of the story could be an interesting thing, if not the most beneficial for the reader. I need to start questioning how many people will actually want to trawl through a good 50k+ of ... well, not much. Some sex, some drinking, and an interesting conversationargument involving a cupboard, but other than that ...

- And on the subject of a cupboard, Bryson decided to let me know that he may be a closet homosexual on Friday night. The best part I'm seriously considering it, and it makes a frightening amount more sense than I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing, I just need to consider how many signs point one way or the other, weigh them up, and then decide.

- He also decided to let me know that he won't speak with the same complex lexis as I had expected him too. Instead, he's going to aggravate his employer and be more witty than he needs to be, alongside Laciey, who had miraculously grown a smart mouth and seems to want to listen to music by a fictional band with a dead bassist (some obvious referencing going on there) all the time, rather than actually showng any interest in weaponry.

- Cole has slipped precariously into the background, in spite of the fact that he was begging to be in the forefront during the planning phase. Silly Cole. If you want a lead role, get your ass back in the story. :)

- In spite of all this, I'm enjoying it. Okay, so I've ad a weekend struggle, seeing as I haven't actually been at home to write, and was hoping to hit the magic 50k long before today, but that said, I have my reasons. And as I say, I'm a serial procrastinator. Now, time to get on YouTu--I mean get on with writing ...

Have fun NaNoing, all. :)